
Custody Detention Scrutiny Panel (CDSP)

Scrutiny panels enable members of the community to constructively and objectively review police interactions with the public, hold them to account for their actions, influence policies, and improve performance and service that the public receive.


What is a CDSP?

A Custody Detention Scrutiny Panel (CDSP) observes and provides feedback on practices within Police Custody, examining cultural or adopted practices, or any disproportionality in the application of police powers, which may impact on detainees whilst in police care.



To help build trust and confidence in Northamptonshire Police, the Office of the Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner is introducing a CDSP in 2025, aiming to improve services where required, and ensure greater accountability.



The Panel will consist of members of the community and professional experts.



The CDSP will be presented with several cases to review, including a range of different custody practices such as use of force, strip searches, remand in custody, use of anti-rip clothing, responses to mental health, and other topics at the request of the Panel. Scrutiny panel members will be provided with the relevant legislation, guidance, and policies ahead of the meeting to provide context.

Recommendations by the Panel will be provided to Northamptonshire Police, and an annual report will be published to the wider public to summarise findings.



The Panel will meet online, every four months.


How do I apply to be a Panel Member?

The PFCC is currently recruiting members. A role description can be viewed here. A Person Specification can be viewed here.

Applications are welcome from people who have experienced Police Custody.

Anyone interested can email

Please note, Northamptonshire Police will conduct a background check as part of the application process.