
December 2023

Fri 1

  • Estates and Facilities Framework Launch
  • Visit to HMP Onley
  • Visit to HMP 5 Wells

Mon 4

  • Internal meeting

Tues 5

  • Internal meetings
  • 6 monthly meeting with IOPC Force lead
  • Technology Portfolio Leadership catch-up
  • 6 weekly councillor meeting

Weds 6

  • Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel- Confirmation Hearing

Thurs 7

EMSOU Briefing to PCCs

PCC Business meeting

Fri 8

  • Christmas Reception at 10 Downing Street

Mon 11

  • Internal meetings
  • Pre-meet for regional PCC and CC Board meeting to discuss budgets

Tues 12

  • Fire Accountability Board
  • Force Accountability Board
  • Regional PCC & CC Board – extra meeting to discuss budgets
  • Bi-weekly meeting with Chief Fire Officer

Weds 13

  • Police Commendations Afternoon and Proud Awards Evening

Thurs 14

  • Internal meetings
  • PCC & CC call with the Policing Minister


Fri 15

  • LCJB meeting

Mon 18

  • Internal EDI training for senior leaders


Tues 19

  • Internal EDI training for senior leaders
  • Meeting with the Policing Minister


Weds 20

  • Internal meetings

PDS Corporate Strategy Design Workshop

Thurs 21

  • BT meeting
  • Internal meeting