
February 2023

Weds 1 February

  • Delivery Landscape Review Strategy meeting
  • PDS meeting

Thurs 2 February

  • Police Funding Formular review meeting
  • Police Fire and Crime Panel meeting

Mon 6 February

  • NJC pay discussion
  • 1-2-1 with the Chief Fire Officer
  • Northamptonshire Business Crime Partnership meeting
  • Internal meetings

Tues 7 February

  • Meeting with HMI Wilsher
  • Meeting with CCP McKinney
  • PDS meeting
  • PCC Business meeting

Weds 8 February

  • Monthly meeting with Cllr Nunn
  • NSPC Reform Project Board
  • Internal meetings
  • My:BK:YD Social impact event
  • Private meeting
  • 50th Anniversary Celebration Community Payback event

Thurs 9 February

  • PDS meeting
  • APCC Board call
  • Internal meetings
  • Voice Board

Fri 10 February

  • Fearless Campaign at Weavers Academy
  • Town and Abington Crime meeting with councillors
  • Meeting with DHEP student officers

Mon 13 February

  • Internal meetings
  • Delivery Landscape Review Strategy Discussion meeting
  • Evening Rural Policing Barn event

Tues 14 February

  • Fire Accountability Board
  • Police Accountability Board
  • 1-2-1 meeting with the Chief Constable
  • Internal meeting
  • Code of Ethics consultation meeting

Weds 15 February

  • Internal meeting

Fri 17 February

  • Strategic Policing Requirement briefing

Mon 27 February

  • Internal meetings
  • PDS meeting
  • Evening Rural Policing Barn event

Tues 28 February

  • PDS Board pre-meet
  • PDS Board meeting
  • Internal meetings