
FOI 02112023-1 – Voice for Victims and Witnesses Directors


“I request that you provide me with information regarding whether the alleged fraudster Nick Adderley, who has already been suspended as Chief Constable of Northamptonshire Police, has also been suspended as a director of VOICE FOR VICTIMS AND WITNESSES LIMITED.”


I can confirm that the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner holds the information requested.

The Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner established Voice for Victims and Witnesses as a separate legal entity in June 2017, taking on services for victims of crime from October 2017. Nick Adderley was appointed as on the of directors of Voice for Victims and Witnesses Ltd on the 18th of February 2019.

In 2023 the PFCC took the decision to bring Victim and Witness Services delivered by Voice Ltd in-house to the Office of Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner from the 1st of April 2023 and to dissolve the company Voice Ltd.

Nick Adderley was not suspended as a Director of Voice as the process of closing the company is well underway and application has been made to Companies House to formally wind up the company.