
FOI 03082023-1 – Funding Allocations for Victim Services


FOI request: funding allocations for victim services FOI 03082023-1

“We are interested in seeing a break down in funding grants for local victim services, for both multi-crime services and specialist domestic abuse services, with the names of individual grantees included. Funding allocations made within the last 12 months will suffice.”


I can confirm the OPFCC holds the information you requested:

Organisation Description Amount (£) Funding stream Notes
Voice Victim and witness services

  • emotional and Practical support services for all victims and witnesses of crime in Northamptonshire

–                      Includes specialist case worker for DA/SV/ ISVA/ Roads and CYP support

1.2M OPFCC/MoJ OPFCC and MoJ funded
Sunflower/Voice IDVA Services 241,000 (total service amount 707K) OPFCC Partnership funded service with 2 LA’s and ICB – total service amount 707K




  • Complex IDVA
  • Crisis IDVA’s
  • Diversity and Inclusion IDVA





MoJ – OPFCC Grant agreement Additional IDVA/ISVA services funded via MoJ administered by OPFCC locally


Northamptonshire Rape Crisis ISVA Funding

54,901K MoJ – OPFCC grant agreement


Committed until March 2025
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service Children’s Outreach Work


BAME Support Worker

57,254K MoJ – OPFCC grant agreement Committed until March 2025


RISE CIC NVR Programme – Child on Parent Violence 120K 60K from MoJ

60K from OPFCC

Committed to funding until March 2025 – joint MoJ and OPFCC funds
EVE Groupwork


50K MoJ- OPFCC grant agreement



43K – MoJ


Activity funded from MoJ funds and top up from OPFCC as MoJ not enough to cover.
Creating Equalz BAME specific DA Groupwork 50K OPFCC Committed until March 2024
Life Education



Sexual Violence specific primary school programme – Healthy Relationships 55K NHSE – OPFCC Grant agreement Committed until March 2024