
FOI 04092024-1 – Nick Adderley Developed Vetting checks 


1) What is the industry standard to confirm an individual has passed developed vetting, such as a certificate in line with a DBS check. 

2) That such a certificate or evidence was presented and if not, what evidence the then PFCC Stephen Mold viewed to satisfy himself that Nick Adderley had been subjected to developed vetting and had been passed this standard with no issue.

 3) Which other members of staff or stakeholders beyond Stephen Mold and the then monitoring officer would need to have seen this evidence (whatever it might have been) to confirm the appointment of Nick Adderley as CC. Please confirm the names of all stakeholders and staff, their then job titles and relationship to Northants OPFCC.


1) What is the industry standard to confirm an individual has passed developed vetting, such as a certificate in line with a DBS check.

All applicants for the role of Chief Constable are informed that anyone appointed is subject to holding or obtaining security clearance at Developed Vetting (DV) level. The OPFCC and its HR advisors will request evidence of DV clearance.

2) That such a certificate or evidence was presented and if not, what evidence the then PFCC Stephen Mold viewed to satisfy himself that Nick Adderley had been subjected to developed vetting and had been passed this standard with no issue.

The Office of Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner were presented with evidence that the former Chief Constable had DV clearance.

3) Which other members of staff or stakeholders beyond Stephen Mold and the then monitoring officer would need to have seen this evidence (whatever it might have been) to confirm the appointment of Nick Adderley as CC. Please confirm the names of all stakeholders and staff, their then job titles and relationship to Northants OPFCC.

The appointment process for the former Chief Constable for Northamptonshire Police was set out in the independent members report which was published at the confirmation hearing held on 5th July 2018. Copies all the reports can be downloaded here. The then OPCC and his Chief Executive liaised with colleagues in Northamptonshire Police’s vetting team in relation to the appointment.