
FOI 23012024-1 – IPSOS Mori Survey


I would like to make a FOI request please.

The Commissioner commissioned a IPSOS Mori survey on the culture of the forces. Please can I have a  copy of the report?

What does the ACE team deliver-is there an annual report?  What are the outcomes.


I can confirm the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner does hold the information requested.

In relation to the first part of your request, I have attached a copy of the report – “Northamptonshire OPFCC Employee Research – Ipsos report for the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner”.

FOI 23012024-1 Report

Turning to the second part of your request:

What does the ACE team deliver-is there an annual report?  What are the outcomes.

The work of ACE team is covered by the Commissioner’s Annual Report. Copies of the Annual Reports can be downloaded from our website at:

The work of the ACE Team is also covered in the Commissioner’s Police, Fire and Crime Plan update reports to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel. I have attached the reports for the last municipal year and further reports can be downloaded from the following link: