
FOI 29122023-1 – Translation, Interpretation and Language Services Costs


I wish to make an FOI request. Please provide me with the following information for the financial years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23.

All expenditure made by your organisation, in every facet of its operations and purview, on translation, interpretation, and language services.

Please provide the aggregated total spent by your organisation and then, if possible, please provide this broken down by particular function for which the service was carried out.


The information you requested is not held by the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC). Although the OPFCC can access language services through Northamptonshire Police, there has been no specific expenditure by the office.

The Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) and Northamptonshire Police are two separate legal entities. Information regarding operational policing matters is the responsibility of Northamptonshire Police. Northamptonshire Police’s Information Unit may hold some of the information you are seeking. If you have not already done so, then you may wish to write to their Freedom of Information and Data Protection Team, Information Unit, Force Headquarters, Wootton Hall, Northampton, NN4 0JQ /