
FOI request FOI 19072023-1 Email Correspondence between PFCC and CFO


I am seeking all email correspondence between Stephen Mold and Mark Jones (the former chief fire officer for Northamptonshire) between the dates of 1 June 2023 and 18 July 2023. I am seeking all email correspondence between Stephen Mold and Nicci Marzec (the former OPFCC monitoring officer and interim chief fire officer for Northamptonshire) between the dates of 1 June 2023 and 18 July 2023.


I can confirm that the OPFCC does hold the information requested, however some of the information is exempt from disclosure.

We are not obliged to provide information that has been provided in confidence to the department (section 41(b) of the Act). The terms of this exemption in the Freedom of Information Act mean that we do not have to consider whether or not it would be in the public interest for you to have the information. You can find out more about Section 41 by reading the extract from the Act, available at

In addition to this, I have also had to take into account that a lot of the emails requested also contained correspondence from third parties which would be classed as personal information under S42 of the Act. I have redacted the portions of emails which contained personal information and did not fall under the scope of your request. In addition to this, to make things clearer, I have tried to remove any repetition of information by providing you the latest in all relevant email trails.

I have attached the requested information to this email as a PDF document.