
FOI Request Ref 30032023-1 – Commissioned Services for Child Victims


  1. The number of services commissioned by Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in the past 12 months for:
    1. Child Victims of Child Criminal Exploitation
    2. Child Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation.


The OPFCC directly co-commission Nottingham University Hospital (NUH) with NHS England to deliver a regional SARC for Children and Young People.

Voice, which is the Victims Service for Northamptonshire, also have a Children and Young People’s Victim service which provides support to CYPs (currently provided by Child Psychology Service but passes to Assist Trauma Care on 1st April) and a contract with Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust for Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVA) and Children’s Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (CHISVA) support.

In addition to these commissioned services, the OPFCC also has an Early Intervention Team which includes a Family Support team who work with children, young people and their families for up to 12 weeks and a Targeted Youth Service which supports vulnerable children and young people across Northamptonshire identified as being at risk of exploitation and of entering the criminal justice system.


Details can be found on our website here