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Decision taken The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for Northamptonshire is the Pension Service Authority (PSA) for Northamptonshire Police and is therefore responsible for the submission of applications for...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to extend and vary a contract for the provision of network switches for Northants Police and Northants Fire and Rescue Service to Softcat...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a contract with Leader Systems LLP for the provision of Fire Detection and Gas Suppression systems across Northamptonshire Police Force and...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to vary a contract to extend the term for the provision of Victim Surveys for Northamptonshire Police to SMSR Ltd. The current period...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to vary a Northamptonshire Police Contract for the supply of GIS licences, support and maintenance with NEC Software Solutions. The contract term is...
Decision taken: The decision has been taken to vary Northamptonshire Police Contract CN202303008 with Upskill U Limited for delivery of the Exodus Programme and targeted knife crime support. The Exodus...
Decision taken: The decision has been taken to award a Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire Contract for Multi-Functional Devices with Canon UK Ltd. This is for the supply...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police Contract for pre-planned maintenance and reactive works to lifts across the Northamptonshire Police Estate to Morris Vermaport Ltd....