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Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police Contract for Driver Licence and Grey Fleet Checks, with Licence Check Limited. The checks will cover MOT, Tax...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award an Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Contract to Upskill U Limited for the Exodus Plus+ programme. This is...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to vary a Northamptonshire Police contract with Zetron Limited for the provision of Integrated Control Communication System (ICCS) support and maintenance to include...
Decision taken To vary a contract with JML Software Solutions for the provision of the Chronicle system, which enables Northamptonshire Police to record Police officer and staff competencies against a...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police Contract for Headlight Licences for a Professional Development Record and Talent Management System to Headlight Ltd. The contract...