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Decision taken The decision has been taken to extend by 12 months the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner of Northamptonshire’s contract for community sentence treatment for female offenders which via...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to utilise the 12-month extension agreed in the original contract regarding the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire’s Contract for Domestic Abuse...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police contract for EISEC (Enhanced Information Service for Emergency calls) to FourNet Technologies Limited. This application allows the location...
Decision taken The decision was taken to extend the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire’s Contract for the provision of Children’s ISVA services carried out by Service Six. The...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a contract for the provision of consultants for the digital team to Northamptonshire Police. The contract term is 01 April 2024...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police contract for airwave radio devices to Sepura Limited. These devices are for airwave radio communications between the Force...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police contract for Fuel Cards to AIIStar Business Solutions Ltd. Fuel cards for use at diesel and petrol pumps...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a extension to a Northamptonshire Police contract for Crime of Scene Consumables with WA Products (UK) Limited t/a SceneSafe. This contract...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to vary a Northamptonshire Police Contract for Maintenance and Support of data network and telephony infrastructure with CAE Technology Services Ltd. The contract...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police Contract for Drones to Colena Limited T/A Heliguy. Drones assist in operations that require searches from the air....