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Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police contract for the supply of tyres to Loughran Brother Ltd t/a Towcester Tyre Services to provide additional resilience...
Decision Taken To vary a Northamptonshire Police Contract with Priory Dry Cleaners which provides laundry and dry-cleaning services, in order to extend the contract for a further 16 (sixteen) months...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to vary Northamptonshire Police Contract CN202203017for hardware for the Digital Forensics Unit with Overclockers UK. The contract is being varied to purchase new...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police Contract Extension for the supply of Medical Reporting. This contract provides medical evidence reports. The contract term is...
Decision taken The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police contract for the provision of Airwave services to Airwave Solutions Ltd. The contract term is from 01April 2024...