
Joint Independent Audit Committee Meeting – 19th March 2025









19th March 2025 10.00-13.00


Microsoft Teams virtual meeting

Hill Room Darby House


 If you should have any queries in respect of this agenda, or would like to join the meeting please contact:

Members of the public, with the permission of the Chair of the Committee, may ask questions of members of the Committee, or may address the Committee, on an item on the public part of the agenda.

Further details regarding the process for asking questions or making an address to the Committee are set out at the end of this agenda notice


  1. Welcome and Apologies for non- attendance
  2. Declarations of Interests
  3. Minutes and Action log 4th December
  4. Internal Auditor Reports
    1. Draft Internal Audit Plan 25-26 (Police)
    2. Draft Internal Audit Plan 25-26 (Fire)
  5. External Audit update
  6. Audit implementation update of internal audit recommendations PFCC and CC
  7. HMICFRS update – CC
    1. Appendix 1
    2. Appendix 2
  8. Treasury Management Strategy
    1. CC and PFCC
    2. NCFRA
  9. Agenda Plan
  10. AOB
  11. Confidential items – any
  12. NCFRA Risk Register


A PDF version of the agenda and public reports can be downloaded  here


Members of the public, with the permission of the Chair of the Committee, may ask questions of members of the Committee, or may address the Committee, on an item on the public part of the agenda.

Notice of questions and addresses

A question may only be asked or an address given if notice has been given by delivering it in writing or by electronic mail to the Monitoring Officer no later than noon two working days before the meeting.

Notice of questions or an address to the Committee should be sent to:

Kate Osborne

Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Darby House, Darby Close, Park Farm Industrial Estate, Wellingborough. NN8 6GS

or by email to:

Each notice of a question must give the name and address of the questioner and must name the person to whom it is to be put, and the nature of the question to be asked. Each notice of an address must give the name and address of the persons who will address the meeting and the purpose of the address.

Scope of questions and addresses

The Chair of the Committee may reject a question or address if it:

  • Is not about a matter for which the Committee has a responsibility or which affects Northamptonshire;
  • is defamatory, frivolous, offensive or vexatious;
  • is substantially the same as a question which has been put or an address made by some other person at the same meeting of the Committee or at another meeting of the Committee in the past six months; or
  • requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt

Asking the question or making the address at the meeting

The Chair of the Committee will invite the questioner to put the question to the person named in the notice. Alternatively, the Chair of the Committee will invite an address to the Committee for a period not exceeding three minutes. Every question must be put and answered without discussion but the person to whom the question has been put may decline to answer it or deal with it by a written answer. Every address must be made without discussion.

The Chair and Members of the Committee are:

  • Mrs A Battom (Chair of the Committee)
  • Mr J Holman
  • Mrs E Watson
  • Ms A Bruce
  • Mrs A Vujcich