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Police Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone and Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet have visited Corby town centre to talk to local people and partners to discuss reducing crime and improving...
Northamptonshire’s Chief Constable and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner have reaffirmed their commitment to visible and accessible local policing, following a visit to the re-opened front office and public enquiry...
A new animated film, funded by Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone, that highlights the work of neighbourhood policing teams in the county is now being shared on the...
Safeguarding training has been delivered to leaders at 13 mosques in Northamptonshire following funding from Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone. Danielle was present to see the training delivered...
Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Marianne Kimani has joined partners from other agencies to carry out a Study Tour in the Gainsborough Drive area of Wellingborough. The visit was...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone is asking for an increase of £5 a year – 10p a week – in the fire precept, the part of the...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone is asking for an increase of £14 a year – 27 pence a week – in the police precept, the part of...
A campaign has been launched to encourage residents of two estates in Northampton to report information about criminal activity. Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone is working with Crimestoppers...
Commissioner and Police Chief to bring agencies together to tackle Wellingborough town centre issues
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone will set out a plan to bring agencies together to tackle issues such as street drinking and retail theft in Wellingborough town centre....
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone and Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet visited Kettering on Monday (January 20) to hear from business owners and residents about issues affecting the town...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has named Ivan Balhatchet as her preferred candidate to become the next Chief Constable of Northamptonshire Police. Ivan has been interim Chief...
An independent retailer in Northampton town centre is testing new, hi-tech crime prevention equipment thanks to an initiative by Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone. Julie Teckman’s store...
An innovative project in Northamptonshire has successfully broken the pattern for more than four hundred young people at risk of repeatedly going missing. The project, called Operation Satin, sees specialist...
The successful policing initiative known as Operation Kayak, which aims to help keep people safe on weekend nights out, continues as usual over the festive period. The proactive operation introduced...
Three school children have seen their work made into a permanent reminder of the dangers of motorcycle nuisance, thanks to a grant from Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone....
A project to ensure people who have committed low level offences give back to the community has helped to clean up 19 public spaces in neighbourhoods across the county. Since...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has launched an online consultation on her draft police, fire and crime plan, which sets the blueprint for police and fire services...
A community centre in Wellingborough has benefited from a programme that sees anti-social offenders repay the damage they have caused in their local area. The Victoria Centre has taken part...
Schemes to help improve safety on the Eastfield estate in Northampton are gathering pace following a ‘Study Tour’ that was held in the community a few weeks ago. The Study...
A Garden of Remembrance will be looking it’s best this Remembrance Day thanks to a clean-up by people who were subject to the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle...
The process of recruiting a new Chief Constable for Northamptonshire Police begins today (November 4). Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone is looking for a Chief Constable who...
Northamptonshire’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), Danielle Stone, visited Rushden this month (October 21) to see first-hand the improvements that have been made since the introduction of the Public...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has hosted a roundtable event to discuss retail crime in the county and the actions being taken to tackle it. This is...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone and Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Marianne Kimani spent time in the cells to see for themselves the work of Independent...
A milestone 100 people found committing anti-social behaviour have taken part in a programme called Immediate Justice, which is aimed at swiftly repairing the harm caused to local communities. The...
Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership (NSVPP) has awarded £116,430 to Athletic Elite, a basketball coaching and development organisation, to launch the Sideline Project. The Sideline Project uses basketball and sports...
Chief Fire Officer Nikki Watson has thanked Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) for their report, published today (Wednesday 18 September), which praised the “clear commitment of...
The latest Study Tour by Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has brought residents and local organisations together to try and solve issues affecting Eastfield in Northampton. The visit...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone and Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Member for Planning and Communities at West Northamptonshire Council, have visited the Kettering Road area of Northampton...
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone and Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet have been hearing about the work being done by local police officers, PCSOs and various community partners to...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone visited Brackley town centre yesterday (August 21) alongside Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet, as they discussed matters affecting the town centre. Danielle and...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone, her Deputy Marianne Kimani and Assistant Chief Constable Adam Ward were in Oundle yesterday (Tuesday) to hear from people who live and...
Commissioner and Assistant Chief Constable see successful partnership tackling retail crime in Corby
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone and Assistant Chief Constable Adam Ward took a walk around Corby town centre yesterday (August 20) to better understand the concerns of...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has reached a milestone 100 days in office this week (Friday 16 August). Since she was elected in May, Danielle has hit...
A new initiative launched by Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone will bring local people who live in higher-crime areas together with local organisations to tackle the issues...
The Northamptonshire Local Resilience Forum (LRF), which brings together emergency services, local authority, NHS and other partners to plan and prepare for localised incidents and emergencies, has issued a joint...
Northamptonshire’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable have spent time visiting business owners in Northampton town centre to discuss how they can work together to reduce retail crime....
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has announced Marianne Kimani as her preferred candidate as Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. The Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner...
The Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has now received and is publishing the Regulation 43 Report following the outcome of the misconduct hearing for Chief Constable...
Northamptonshire Police will work hard to rebuild public trust and confidence after the dismissal of Chief Constable Nick Adderley, who has been found to have committed gross misconduct. This morning...
On Friday 31st May, the Defence in the Nick Adderley gross misconduct hearing lodged an application for the Chair and Panel Members to recuse themselves from the process. The Chair...
To celebrate National Volunteers Week 2024, the new Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire thanks her team of 24 Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) for their valuable work and commitment...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone said she is determined the voices of people across Northamptonshire will shape the priorities for the county’s police and the fire service....
In accordance with Regulation 36 of the Police Conduct Regulations we are required to publish the following information: A Gross Misconduct disciplinary hearing, chaired by Legally Qualified Chair Mr Callum...
Nikki Watson will join Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service as Chief Fire Officer on Thursday 16 May. Following the conclusion of an IOPC investigation, which found that there was no...
Danielle Stone has been elected as Police, Fire and Commissioner – the first woman to hold the role. Danielle, the successful Labour candidate, signed the oath of Office following her...
In light of the accelerated Gross Misconduct hearing into Chief Constable Nick Adderley, the OPFCC has been asked to share the following information regarding the process of such hearings and...
Following a case management meeting today the Legally Qualified Chair has taken the decision to adjourn the Accelerated Misconduct Hearing for Chief Constable Adderley. It was decided that there was...
On 28 February 2024 there will be an Accelerated Misconduct Hearing to consider allegations of gross misconduct against Chief Constable Nick Adderley. Following representations, the Legally Qualified Chair has ruled...
Northamptonshire Police Chief Constable Nick Adderley is to face an accelerated disciplinary hearing into allegations of gross misconduct. Allegations against Mr Adderley were made to the Office of Northamptonshire Police,...
Nikki Watson QPM has been announced as preferred Chief Fire Officer for Northamptonshire. Following a two-day interview process, Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold has said that Nikki...
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold has today suspended Chief Constable Nick Adderley from Northamptonshire Police while an independent investigation into allegations about his conduct takes place. A...